Identity Card of the Employee
How to manage the users of the platform?
Note: Only HR or Admin can manage the user's additional information !
How to manage the platform's users?
Where to administer employees' profiles?
How to create a new user?
How to manage the detailed information of a user?
How to disactivate a user?
How to review an employee's profile?
How to review the opportunities proposed to an employee?
How to access the skills of an employee?
How to access the list of interviews of an employee?
How to add a comment to an employee?
How to review the notes of an employee?
Where to administrate the employee's profile ?
1- Click on "Company users"
2- A page will appear with all the employee's profiles
3- By clicking "..." on the top-right of the employee's profile, you will be able:
" to see the profile", " to see the opportunities", " to see the skills"
4- It is possible to search an employee with the search bar. By clicking on the employee's last name or first name or skill in order to find a particular profile.
How to create a new user ?
1-When you click on "my home", several categories will display
2- Then you have to click on "master table" and again several categories will appear
3- You have to click on "user" in order to go to the employee's section
1 - Then you have to click on "create user"
1- When you finish each step, you will have to fill a form
2-When each form is completed, you have to click on the button "create and continue"
3-4-5 Then answer each form in order to have as much information as possible about the user
When all the information will be validated, a confirmation email will be sent to the user so that he can create his password and start using the software
How to modify the detailed informations of a user?
1- You can access a detailed profile of an employee by clicking on "view detailed profile"
1- You can review a user's detailed profile of your choice
1-If you want to change the information of an employee, you have to click on "manager user"
1- Then you can complete all the information that you want and which is necessary for a campaign creation :
-Birth Date
-Date of recruitment
- Date when he/she started working
- Name of the manager N+1
-Name of the HR manager
All of these elements will be used in the creation of an interview compaign or training
When all the information will be filled, the managers will be directly informed about the campaign
2- Don't forget to update the information in order to that all the updates will be taken into account
How to disable an account ?
1- You have first to go on the section "company users"
2- Then you have to click on the "..." at the top right of the screen
3- Then click on "view detailed profile"
1- In order to deactivate the account, you have to click on "Deactivate the account"
How to see the employee's profile ?
1- You can access the employee's profile of your choice by clicking "see the profile" from the section "company user"
You can see on the employee's profile:
1- his/her profile on the yellow bar
2- his/her work experience
3- his/her education
4- soft skills, if this section was filled
How to see the job opportunities which are proposed for an employee ?
1- You can search if the employee has a job opportunity, a project or a training by clicking on "job opportunities"
1- The section "my opportunities" identify the proposals of
This section would depend on the modules that are activated for your company
How to access to the skills of an employee ?
1- You can consult the skills of the employee of your choice by clicking on "see skills"
1- You can see the employee's skills which are linked by a post
2- You can see the knowledge and tools of an employee
3- You can see which languages the employee is able to speak
How to access to the interview skills of an employee ?
1- You can access to the interview list of an employee by clicking on "see interviews"
1-You will have the access to the details of all the interviews that were done by the employee
How to write a comment on an employee ?
1- You can add a comment from the company user by clicking on "add a comment" in order to remember a conversation or a precision about his request
Be careful : You will be responsible about the content written in the employee notes
1- You can add a comment by filling the white bar
2- You can validate your comment by clicking on "validate"
3- You can cancel your comment by clicking on "cancel"
How to consult notes of an employee ?
1- You can see the comments which were added about an employee from the company user by clicking on "view notes"
1- You can write a comment by clicking on the green bar
2- You can see which person wrote the comment
3- You can write a note
4- You can do an update