Manage job descriptions
It's possible to create or modify the job descriptions which are used to affect the skills to a partner or to realize the match between positions and employees.
In category "Positions or Projects", click on "Create an opportunity" or select an existing opportunity by clicking on the [...] and "update"
Complete the different steps :
Information about the position
Title, the job status (Position or Project),
The disponibility (used to suggest where appropriate some positions to partners),
Contact information (which will be displayed to partners in order to have more information)
Complementary information
Link to candidate, it permits to the partner to have more informations about the position or the project with an online link
Classification or Flag is used in reportings to follow some specific opportunities category
Skills : Add the skills link to a position or a project
Notes :
The skills related to a job description can be automatically associate at the profile of a partner
It's possible to add or delete a skill to a position, but not to modify it because the skill can be reuse in an other positon
Manage the Users Opportunities
xLearn algorithm perform a matching between user profiles & company jobs and/or trainings based on the skills. However, you can manually modify the results of the matching. For example if a skill is over-weighted, you want highlight a specific job…
How to proceed ?
Navigate to "Manage opportunity" section in the menu
Click on "Create a new opportunity" (1) or select an existing one, clicking on the small pen (2)
You can search according different criterias (user name, job title...)
Which data to provide ?
To create a new opportunity, Select user (1) & Job (2) which should match with ; For an existing opportunity this fields are automaticaly filled
Fill the "Match manuel" field (5) with value between -2 and 2
Click on "Creation" (6)
Don't change the field (3) and (4) ; they have been filled with the results of the automatic matching
How to choose the value
[-2] you want to discard an opportunity to a user
[+2] you want to force an opportunity to a user