
As an Employee

Where can I find my interview as an employee ?

Employee's profile

1- Go on  the section "Interview" and then "My Interview" 

2- Click on "Answer" to start the interview

3- Choose the managers  N+1 and 2nd level manager who will have the access to the interview

4- Validate by clicking on "Update"

1- Answer the questions : 

Note :  Some questions could be answered only by your managers

2- Validate each part by clicking on  "Save and next"

Note :  You have to answer all  mandatories questions before to save a part

3-  To validate the whole interview, click on  "Validate"

4- When my manager will answer all of the questions, the section  "Consult the pdf" will appear

Click on the section "consult the pdf " to see the answer

Note : The section appears only when the employee has validated her/his answers and managers has also validated her/his answers.

How to modify and add a skill ?

How can I evaluate a skill  ?

Go on "My skills" : 

1- You can see all your skills below the green tab

2- All your skills will be display on this part

3- The name of the skill that you want to evaluate will appear in the blue tab

4- You can evaluate your skill level of the concerned skill ( beginner, advanced, expert) 

5- The employee can describe more in detail her/his skills by leaving a comment

6- The employee can fill this case if she/he estimates that this skill can be improve

7- The employee will see the comment that her/his manager wrote on the concerned skill

8- You can delete the skill by clicking on "Delete the skill"

9- You can  update by clicking on "Update"

How to add a skill ?

1-  You have to click on "+" and write the name of the skill you want to add

2- You can evaluate your skill by choosing your self assessment

3- You can indicate when you start to use your skill

4- You can validate your skill by clicking on  "Validate"

5- You can cancel your skill by clicking on "Cancel"

Where can I find my interview as a Manager ?

How to see an interview and see answers of employees ?

1-  Go to the section "Interview" and then "My team interviews" 

2- Click on "..." in order to see the function "To consult"

3- Click on "Consult the PDF" in order to see the answers of the employee 

Note: the button is only accessible when the employee has validated their answers and the manager too. 

How to evaluate skills of employees that are in my team ?

1-  If you want to evaluate the skills of your employees as a manager, go on "Company users". 

2- If you want to look at a member of your team  you just click on the search bar

3-Click on the "..." in order to have access to the skills 

4- Click on" See skills" in order to watch the skills of your employee

1-  Click on the skill you want to evaluate

2- The name of your skill will be display in the blue tab

3- You can delete the skill if you think that the employee doesn't know how to use it

4- Evaluate the level of the skill of your employee by clicking on "Manager assessment"

5- You can write a comment by evaluating your employee's skill

6- You can see what the employee wrote about her/his mastery of the skill 

7- You can update the skill by clicking on  "Update"

How to create your own campaign ?

1- In order to create your own campaign, you have to go on "Interview" in the menu and "Interviews with my team".

2- Then you have to click on "Create a campaign"

1- You can give the name of your choice for your campaign

2- You can give a description of the campaign  

3- You can indicate the starting date of your campaign

4- You can indicate the end of your campaign

5- You can indicate the type of your campaign

6- You can add employees 

7- You can filter employees according to your choice

->-> : it means everyone has been selected 

-> : you can select people and click on this arrow to filter people 

How to use the management campaign's section   ? 

1-  You can activate the campaign by clicking on " Activate the campaign"

2- You can see the details of the campaign

3- You can access the employee's list by clicking on "List of employees".

How to follow the campaign's evolution

1- You can follow the campaign's evolution by clicking on "Campaign follow up"

How to have an overview of the campaign

1-You can have access to alll the interviews  that you did by clicking on "Overview"

2- You can select a tag in this part

3- You can choose the kind of question that you want

4- You can see who answer the questions by  clicking on "Answer by an employee"

5- You can see the answers of the candidates

How to personalize questions ?

1- You can find details of interviews

2- You can add a question by clicking on the blue pen

3- You can delete a question by clicking on the red cross

4- You can add, modify or deleta  a question in this box by choosing the type of the question ( short or long answers, multiple choice question). You can indicate if the question is mandatory or not and who has to respond to this question ( employee, manager, N+2) 

The types of questions:

5- You can add a comment by filling in the right  box

6- The manager can add a comment in this case

7- The N+2 Manager can also add a comment in this box

How to activate and manage the campaign ?

1- You can access to different functions of the campaign by clicking on  "..."

2- You can duplicate a campaign by clicking on "Duplicate campaign"

3- You can personalize questions by clicking on  "Customize questions"

4- You can update the campaign by clicking on "Update"

5- You can assign a manager by default by clicking on "Assign default managers"

1- A warning message will tell you that when you block the edit mode, you will have no more possibility to modify questions and employees employee could respond to questions

2- You can send a notification by email

3- You can update the campaign by clicking on "Update"

4- You can cancel the campaign by clicking on  "Cancel"