
How to manage trainings as a manager and a collaborator ?

As a collaborator

Where does an employee see their trainings ?

On xLearn, a collaborator can see his trainings with a click on "My Profile" (1) and then on "Training" (2) where he has the access to trainings that he has already asked for (3)

The collaborator has the possibility on this page to ask a training with the button "Formulate a training wish" (4)

As a manager

Where does an employee see and manage their trainings ?

As the collaborator, a manager can click on "My Profile" (1) and then on "Training" (2) to have the access on his asked trainings (3)

A manager can (like the collaborator) click on "Formulate a training wish" (4) in order to ask a training.

Then, in the "Training" tab (1) heading "Training Catalog" (2), a manager has the access to all the training offers

With it, a manager can "Sollicitate the training" (3) in order to ask a training for himself

He can with "Ask a training for my all collaborators" (4) sollicitate a training to assign at his collaborator (all or not)

Finally with "Manage my trainings" (5), a manager has the access to some collaborators who have asked this training and he has the access to those who have their request validate